
<a href=" Kipin" class="display-item">Skele Kipin</a>

Skele Kipin

Origin: Hallow Pet Cage, Skele Kipin Cage, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Kipin" class="display-item">Harvest Kipin</a>

Harvest Kipin

A kipin that is only found at the end of harvest season. Something about the smells of feasting and cheer seems to lure him out.

Origin: Harvest Dinner (autumn exclusive), Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Kipin" class="display-item">Snow Kipin</a>

Snow Kipin

Not the most helpful kipin as anything too warm will make them melt, but you can't help but appreciate them nonetheless.

<a href=" Loxdrin" class="display-item">Ashen Loxdrin</a>

Ashen Loxdrin

A loxdrin that blends in with the dark rocks and stone of Hellmouth. Even when you can't see one, you can usually hear the snapping of its mouth.

Origin: Keldeep Foraging Bag, Loxdrin Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Loxdrin" class="display-item">Lava Loxdrin</a>

Lava Loxdrin

It is rumored that this loxdrin got it's split color from diving head first into the lava one too many times.

Origin: Keldeep Foraging Bag, Loxdrin Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Loxdrin" class="display-item">Azar Loxdrin</a>

Azar Loxdrin

Commonly found sleeping in large piles and snapping their mouths at any oncommers who might be crossing into what they deem their territory.

Origin: Keldeep Foraging Bag, Loxdrin Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Loxdrin" class="display-item">Vivid Loxdrin</a>

Vivid Loxdrin

A brightly colored loxdrin that greatly enjoys climbing the buildings in Keldeep. They are quick to claim townspeople as their own, so many veiw them as either a new pet that they had no choice in, or a pest to get rid of.

Origin: Keldeep Foraging Bag, Loxdrin Egg, Strange Egg

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Loxdrin" class="display-item">Verdant Loxdrin</a>

Verdant Loxdrin

A loxdrin most commonly kept as pets for those who have moved to Keldeep from elsewhere. It's green color helps them feel a little less homesick among the dark black and ash of Hellmouth.

Origin: Keldeep Foraging Bag, Loxdrin Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Loxdrin" class="display-item">Sweetheart Loxdrin</a>

Sweetheart Loxdrin

A loxdrin only found in the month of February.

Origin: Pet Shop (February exclusive), Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Lulari" class="display-item">Sunbreak Lulari</a>

Sunbreak Lulari

Its plumage is as bright as the summer sun. So much so that it seems like even the plants around its nest grow better than others around. 

Origin: Hunting for Lulari Quest (summer exclusive), Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Lulari" class="display-item">Earthspell Lulari</a>

Earthspell Lulari

These lulari are unintentionally the most dangerous, as they look just like the surrounding foliage when they curl up. Trying to walk through the wrong bush could mean a startled lulari starts attacking whatever just stepped on it. 

Origin: Hunting for Lulari Quest (summer exclusive), Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Lulari" class="display-item">Lifespring Lulari</a>

Lifespring Lulari

The color of a peaceful sunset, this lulari is still just as intimidating as the rest of the species. At 256 lbs. on average, their soft feathers hide a fast run and powerful muscles.

Origin: Hunting for Lulari Quest (summer exclusive), Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Lulari" class="display-item">Flamefall Lulari</a>

Flamefall Lulari

The plumage of this lulari flares with a firey passion, but thankfully its temper does not. 

Origin: Hunting for Lulari Quest (summer exclusive), Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Mirassel" class="display-item">Snowdrop Mirassel</a>

Snowdrop Mirassel

Origin: Mirassel Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Mirassel" class="display-item">Icegleam Mirassel</a>

Icegleam Mirassel

Origin: Mirassel Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Mirassel" class="display-item">Fawnspot Mirassel</a>

Fawnspot Mirassel

Origin: Mirassel Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Mirassel" class="display-item">Starpelt Mirassel</a>

Starpelt Mirassel

Origin: Mirassel Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Mirassel" class="display-item">Snowsilk Mirassel</a>

Snowsilk Mirassel

Origin: Mirassel Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

<a href=" Mirassel" class="display-item">Mystic Mirassel</a>

Mystic Mirassel

This mirassel isn't like the others! Instead of two small prong horns, this one has a little unihorn.

Origin: Mirassel Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: Wisparia

146 results found.