Common Manabone (Common)
Category: Manabone Growth
Species: Voxibell
Common areas where manabone can grow on a voxibells body.
Characters with Common Manabone (Common)
Uncommon Manabone (Uncommon)
Category: Manabone Growth
Species: Voxibell
Uncommon areas where manabone can grow on a voxibell's body.
Origin: Uncommon Manabone Potion
Characters with Uncommon Manabone (Uncommon)
Rare Manabone (Rare)
Category: Manabone Growth
Species: Voxibell
Rare areas where manabone can grow on a voxibell's body.
Origin: Rare Manabone Potion
Characters with Rare Manabone (Rare)
Manabone Overgrowth (Mythic)
Category: Manabone Growth
Species: Voxibell
Manabone that is all encompassing over larger sections of the body, sometimes even while limbs! This manabone uses it's large pools of self contained mana to flex naturally with the skin and many with manabone overgrowth can be seen as dangerous due to the sheer amount of mana to pull from.
Origin: Mythic Potion
Characters with Manabone Overgrowth (Mythic)
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