Welcome to Painted Relics!

Painted Relics is a closed species APRG set in the world of Kyvalore and its inhabitants! Currently there are two different species, Avilli, and Voxibells! The game is played by creating either visual or written art to participate and advance in levels, stats, and create a collaborative story with the community.

In Painted Relics, the story of the world will change based on the decisions and actions of the players in events and story quests. Turning in artwork redeems currency and sometimes special items through quests! It can be a little overwhelming at first, but we are here to help guide you through and answer any questions you may have.

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Hallow Haunt - October Carnival and Haunting Fog

Posted 11 October 2024, 19:26:05 PDT by Wisparia

Autumn may have come late to Kyvalore, but it did not come quietly.

With the change of seasons brings a host of new content, both big and small.

Delve into the magical hallow haunt carnival to celebrate the spooky harvest season, collect prize tickets for new collectable items, battle with everything you've got to take down the returning monster of the mist, and more!

hallow haunt carnival

Sometimes the best way to step away from the troubles of life is to step into what feels like another world altogether.

Hurry on down to the Hallow Haunt Carnival, where you can find various games to enjoy, great food to eat, and special prizes to be won!

Its time for carnival games quests and even spin the carnival wheel once a day for a fee!

The Hallow Haunt Carnival is a new Hallow event where you can earn lovely autumn goodies, hallow themed prizes, and the new currency, Prize Tickets.

Haunting Hallow Carnival

Ready to try your luck?


games room and Collectibles


We now have a games room

Weekly sudoku as well as the new carnival wheel are now located in the games room, where any other games we add to Painted Relics will be placed.

Earned some prize tickets from a game or event quest and looking where to redeem them?

There's a new shop that specialized in just that currency! Head on over to the marketplace and redeem your tickets for special collectable prizes and the Prized Collectibles!
Kipin Plushie
This shop will have various stock rotating in and out of it at any given time, so make sure you pay attention to the stock if you're really hoping to save up for something special. If you happen to miss out on something though don't fret. Stock will always be rotating in and out, so be sure to check in often!
Felkei Plushie
Prize tickets are a special new currnecy that while featured in the Hallow Haunt Carnival for it's reveal, they are a year round forever currency to earn! The collectible shop will continue to stock with new and exciting collectibles to decorate your characters profiles, trade, or show off to your friends! Maybe even earn collection acheivements for someday...
Fang and Bone Plushie

the danger of the fog Returns


Autumn rolls over the lands of Kyvalore. The air becomes crisper and sharper, the trees explode in flame blessed hues, the nights darker. A step deeper into the season and the enveloping mists roll over Kyvalore. Through the thick canopied depths of the Umbra Wilds, the red and orange beauty of the Lanris Grove, and even up high embracing the Tree of Life, the mist consumes. There's a difference this year, the air thick and dark, shrouding whole swathes of land in an impenetrable blanket. Trade routes are slowed or diverted, hunting parties disbanded, and people gone missing.

Stories begin to circulate about the mist and the strangeness that walks with it. Tales carried like treasures among caravans and travelers, from one town to the next. In Ardglass, the center of all passing trade, the pieces begin to piece together. The mists described in the mountain peaks of Durmur have the same new intensity as those of the Omena Islands. Many afraid to make trips to and from Reim, afraid to get lost at sea. More and more places seem to be added to this list of afflicted lands. Then come reports of people gone missing, unable to be found even after the fog moved on. Stories of quick hulking movement among the shadows. Of a beast. To most, it is a creature of myth, the subject of children's bedtime stories that somehow stalks through these fields of mists the world over, all at the same time. An unlucky few, however, know the beast all too well, have stared into its eyes and been somehow fortunate enough to live to tell about it. This beast has a name, whispered by panicked spirits across Kyvalore to those able to hear them...




Once again Sahmaron lingers in the woods. How and why does he keep returning? We must fight him back once more or risk more lives being lost.

A call to action has been sent out, help fight back this monster before it consumes more of the world, but be careful, Sahmaron's bite can give more then just a wound!

Visit the new boss battle page to find info on the Sahmaron battle, including the ways to deal damage and see how your score compares to other adventurer's in Kyvalore!

Hallow Shop and Hallow items


Fang and Bone have opened up Hallow's Grove once more with all the regular seasonal goodies as well as some new ones!

Make sure you grab your free giftwrap, grab seasonal recipes if you hadnt bought them last year, and enjoy the spooky and sugary goods of the hallow season.

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Whats this?

Looks like the Hallow Potion has a new trait it can grant:

Spider Eyes
Spider Eyes!
Have multiple pairs of symetrical eyes on a voxi or an avilli.

Find yourself with a beast vial?
We've heard from an anonymous source that the beast vial not only works on gribble and loxdrin eggs, but also seems to work on pinehog eggs...
Poor thing.


major site updates


If you've done anything on the site at all, I'm sure you've already noticed, but there's been some big changes around!
Both character pages and the home page have gotten massive updates to better fit the theme of Painted Relics, while also making sure to display every piece of helpful information that we can without making it too overwhelming and wordy.

The homepage has gotten a decent change and now shows your active Kyvalorian, some quick links to daily activities, as well as more useful information on open character sales, and the latest adventures other Kyvalorians have gone on!

Mobile view is different from desktop view and some features are hidden or minimized in order to condense the information so it's not scrolling forever on a small screen.

Character pages have also seen a massive makeover! All character pages should correctly display a vast amount of helpful info in a lovely organized manner. All the good useful things are upfront and center showing off not only your character's images, but all of their equipment, badges, inventory, companions and more.

Find a bug with one of the new layouts? Submit a bug report!
Please make sure to less us know as many details as you can about the bug you've encountered, as well as what kind of device you are accessing the site from, as every bit helps me get to the problem faster!


Trick or treat starts october 24th


Keep an eye out for Fang and Bone because they are working on creating more mischief!
Hallow Haunt Carnival
The annual Trick or Treating starts Octover 24th and will go through October 31st! 
So dont forget to check back to claim your prizes from our favorite tricksy duo.


Seasonal Features


Cant have a spooky month without spooky prizes can we?

This months raffle is for a beastial curse!
Make sure you enter the raffle as many times as you can if you want another chance of obtaining a wereform!

Shop Rotations

Rhea's Scavenging

Rhea, Fern, and Athalie have once again rotated their stock for the month.
Make sure to snag these goodies while you can!


Trait image updates


As you may have noticed a lot of trait image updates have come to a standstill, and to remain as transparent as I can, quite frankly I had gotten a bit burnt out on trait images. I took a large break from working on them to work on other aspects of Painted Relics so I didn't feel bogged down by the large project I took on. While they are mostly done being redrawn, it's some of the larger more complicated ones like new elemental aura images I've left for last that have been daunting. 

I've taken a break from working on all the image updating both drawing new assets and loading them in that I will return to working on them shortly! Thanks for your patience while I work in this massive image overhaul while juggling all of the other updates of the site. I'm really hoping to have them done soon so we can have the best references possible and I can put that focus into other aspects of the site!

what to expect coming soon


I'm so pleased to have finally shown off some of the wonderful new content this month that we've been hinting at, but it doesnt stop there!
There's plenty more in the works, and you might be seeing one or more of the big ones as early as next month!

  • Additional Relic Lore and New Relic Quests
  • Updating Magic Quests and Attunement System - More streamlined to gain your magic!
  • The next chapter of Questlines - Ready to see how the stories unfold?
  • Massive Gear Update
  • Updated Foraging System
  • New Pets
  • And more!


Additional Notes

Hallow!! My absolute favorite season and event to do, and boy did I bite off more then I could chew.
Always thinking I have time to add just one more thing! Just one more!

Thank you as always for your patience as I work away on these updates to bring you the content you deserve! I'm hoping to have worked on building up a backlog of content soon so I'm not spending so much time running around last minute doing touch ups and bug fixes, but maybe that's just how I work haha

I hope you're as excited as I am about all the new content, and dont forget to link your beautifully decorated character profiles in the discord! I would love to see how you all equip your characters in items, gear, pets and more. Now that that massive layout project is done I'm excited to delve in even further to give you more options to equip up your characters as best you can.

And as always, thank you for being here! Your support in Painted Relics keeps me working away on this wonderful world and you being here makes it the wonderful place that it is. <3


Newest Pets
Beachguardian Rikruk
Newest Items
Fang and Bone Plushie
Delgu Plushie

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