
Sophie is a sweet and exceptionally charming voxibell who lives in Everdenn. She studies light magic and specializes in healing. Her special way with animals prompted her to open up her own sanctuary for all of Kyvalore's creatures. She takes in abandoned companions and nurses them back to health if sick and then finds them warm and loving homes. When she's not tending to duties at her sanctuary, she can be found helping her best friend, Sunny, tend to his farm. The brown voxibell has a charismatic and magnetic personality, which often results in her being favored by those who meet her. Her kind, soft face is matched by an even kinder and softer desposition. Her nurturing and comforting nature causes others to gravitate towards her.



Rosie - The pink gribble is Sophie's childhood companion. Sophie begged her parents to let her adopt a gribble she had picked out from a recently hatched clutch. At first they were pretty apprehensive about the idea, but one lengthy essay and a detailed presentation changed their minds. Their daughter's dedication and knowledged moved them and they allowed her to bring home to creature with the promise that Sophie would care for it for the rest of its life. Sophie and Rosie have always shared a special bond. She always seems to know when something is bothering her owner and tries her best to comfort her. Rosie is just about as sweet as Sophie is.

Mocha - The brown mirassel has a spoiled personality, despite the fact that he isn't spoiled by his owner. He likes to pretend like he's better than everyone else despite easily backing down when confronted about his attitude. Mocha has gotten better over the years and learned to be nicer. However, he still has his moments where he's a jerk. Amai helps keep him in line; the nimbew is the first to scold him should she catch him acting out of line. She's more like a motherly figure to him and the mirassel holds too much respect for her to not listen. She protected him from a stray fellkei when he had run away one day and he's looked up to her ever since.

Amai - Amai is a gentle nimbew with a delicate face and soft, pink fleece. 

Hachi - 



Sunny - 

Simon - 

Gin -

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