August Update - Treasure Hunt Returns!

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Wisparia



It’s the last month of summer and interesting rumors abound about buried treasure… before the season ends, you may want to check out what’s going on in Ardglass! I hear Captain Ravinger’s ship has docked… perhaps he’d like to talk with you?




Ah, Ardglass! A city of hopefuls seeking their fortune, eager and open, the scents and sounds enticing them like an angler’s lure. Many come to the city with fat purses full of shards and a sweet naivete the darkness has yet to touch. The port town accepts all comers with a springtrap smile– its winding streets smell like fresh bread and sea salt, its shadows lay in wait. Too many hopefuls find only ruin, but that isn’t your story, is it?


The port is bustling today, commerce unfolding like a tapestry. Trade ships blow into harbor, the wind sighing against their sails. Colorful flags snap, weaving a story of merchants, pirates and fences. It’s an uneasy coexistence, the watchful eyes and unsavory looks easy to miss for the uninitiated. Couriers bob and weave along the docks, carrying messages, shards and cargo. The city is alive, and its beating heart might very well be the port, ferrying life through Ardglass.


A familiar ship sits nestled in its slip, captain and crew hoisting barrels and crates out of their hold and onto the dock. Ill-begotten goods, most likely! Ravinger’s tasseled ears are easy to pick out in a crowd, and he notices you just moments after you spot him.


“Would ya’ look at what the fellkei dragged in! Don’t just stand there gawking, either help or get outta the way!” The captain grunts, sending another barrel of loot off the deck’s edge, head popping over the side of the ship. His nose twitches.


“That French’s Toast I smell? You better have brought enough to share!” Ravinger grins, but something in that smile lets you know he means it. It’s lucky that you do, in fact, have enough to share! Phew!


Good food greases all wheels, and after a tasty treat and some more cargo shifting, the captain’s attention is all on you. “Come’re,” he instructs, gruffly. “You’re lookin’ like you want a job. You do, don’t ya’?”


At this point, you may not have a choice in the matter. The pirate gestures towards his cabin, and once inside, you find that nearly every surface within is covered with maps. Ravinger huffs from his nose, flipping the corner of one with his claw.


“Here’s the deal,” the captain starts, sharp gaze fixating on you. “Got a lot of leads to check out, and not enough bodies to do the checkin’. You help me, I make sure you get a share. You follow me?” He gestures broadly at the maps. “Treasure’s out there, an’ it’s got our names on it, don’t it?” He pauses, giving you a significant and pointed look. “You in?”


Once again, you get the feeling that you may not really have a choice, and that perhaps you should simply agree… you’ve glimpsed the maps now, after all…


“You know what they say about idle claws,” Ravinger adds, with a smirk and cheeky wink. “They’re really good at scratchin’ backs, eh?”

Summer Treasure Chest (2024)


There’s treasure to be found, and Ravinger needs your help finding it all! The pirate has promised you a cut of the spoils for any you manage to find– with treasure hidden all over Kyvalore, how hard could it be?

Summertide GiftwrapBeachguardian RikrukBeachwater RikrukSummertide Giftbox

Ready to dig in? Head over to the Event Questboard and get hunting, you may even find some new summer goodies in your search!
Good luck!

Finish 3 or more summer event quests and submit a claim to receive this years summer badge!


(Please note that not all event quests reward treasure chests! Make sure you check the rewards so you can work on what you want to work towards most!)


Site Changes & Updates

What else have we been up to?
 Let's take a look!


The FAQ has gotten a fresh face, with all of the questions getting refreshed, updated to be more accurate, as well as having much better functionaliy in order for you to find the most helpful information as best you can!
Check out the updated FAQ here!
Give our lovely Sea a big thanks for spearheading this project!



Stats and levels have undergone even more changes!
There's still a bit more that I need to adjust and fiddle with to get it working just right, but you should be able to check out your Stat Information pages from your character in order to see your stats.
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If you're feeling low on mana... Have you tried using a potion directly?
Potions and food are now automagic! Recover your characters mana or health automatically directly from your inventory!

Do note that they will only ever recover up to your max health, so kep an eye on which ones you use, I'd hate for one to feel wasted!



The Crafting system is getting some updates!

There's been some visual changes to the crafting page, with plenty more to come.

I'm working on making the crafting page the cutest and best recipe book you've seen, but making that work on mobile reliably has been an adventure to say the least!
Over the course of this month you'll notice more changes as I add it to the site so me and the other staff can make sure it's displaying well on all devices.
Crafting isn't just changing visually though... There’s so much still happening behind the scenes, we’re hard at work making tweaks and improving the system for everyone. Stay tuned, many changes are still in the works! We hope to share more with you soon about upcoming recipes and improvements.


Dress to Impress!


All Kyvalorians can now strut their stuff and show off their latest fashions in an all new Outfits tab on masterlist entries! To add an Outfit image for your characters, please submit a Design Update with them in their best ‘fit!


shard rewards and cost adjustments


This is a big one, and I understand that changes to costs of items in the game and shards rewarded can be a hard change, but we are working on some changes of shards in order to better balance the game further!

As we add more items and systems in the game it became obvious that the shards and items you can resell that you gain through activities and events was causing shards from quests to feel less worthy! While I am stand firm on my stance that I want the game to be accessible to anyone, even those that dont have the time to write or draw, I want those that do take the time to complete quests to always feel that their efforts are worth it. 

The cost of some items, gear, and all pets are increasing.
It may take some time adjustments here and there for us to find the comfortable ground for them, but hopefully we can iron this out quickly.

What this does mean though is that the value of your writing and art is going up! Approvals of your quests will be paused for a couple days to allow me to make the adjustments to shard rewards, but from here on out you will be receiving more for the quests you complete!

I will be sure to post the updated guide and the new values for you as soon as they are ready.



I’m still working on the overhaul of our existing trait images!
Many are done, but I’ve been unable to settle on how I want them to look and therefore many have gone through several renditions behind the scenes.
While you'll still see more slowly sneaking their way into the encyclopedia, let's look the ones that are new this month shall we?

Avilli Heart Horns

Avilli Kitty Tail

Voxibell Shaped Manabone
Ibex Horns

Voxibell Nubbin Tail

Voxibell Curl Tail
Ibex Horns

Gotta Catch Em All?

Trying to get all of the items that have existed in the game and want to easily see what you've gotten?
Check out your Record Book!

You can see what items you've obtained in the past, and which one's you have yet to collect!
The record book can always be accessed from your profile or under Explore -> Account!

Since the beginning of the game we've had a lot of item adjustments, and with that no longer need boxes for various things like recipes and gear, so over the next few weeks we will be working on tidying up unneeded items.

Speaking of collecting them all though...

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Some new items are now discoverable in your forages in the wilderness

Additional MINOR Updates
  • Profiles have gotten minor adjustments to flex better on mobile devices!
  • Shops now have categories on the shop page to stay better organized and informative!
  • Magic Bond is changing to Attunement! Temporarily both will be displayed on character profiles but Magic Bond sections will be removed with future updates, just wanted to make sure the new system worked first before removing!

Be on the lookout

We still have so much more in store and we're ramping up for something big...


I wonder who they are?

More Updates Just around the corner


  • Additional Relic Lore and New Relic Quests
  • Updating Magic Quests and Attunement System - More streamlined to gain your magic!
  • The next chapter of Questlines - Ready to see how the stories unfold?
  • Updated Foraging System
  • More Site Games!

Monthly Raffle


The winner of the last raffle is AuroreChaton! Congratulations!

Avilli-178 has safely traveled to your account.


A Sea Pearl is up for grabs in August’s Raffle! Get your entries in by September 10th at 5:00pm to have a chance of taking it home!


A note from wisp


It's been SO much work behind the scenes and I feel like we're finally able to start showing the fruits of our labor. I'm looking forward to each step of the way and while there will be some bumps there's so many fun things I have a hard time not spoiling already!

While I've spoken about a big exciting event coming when I'm finished with some systems and predicted aug/september depending on how this month goes it may have to get moved to october? At this point I see no reason to release it prematurely if I happen to get stuck on a site bug or something happens that causes me to fall behind on my trajectory. I will do my best to keep you waiting for this as little as possible, but I want to make sure that the finished product is truly what I set out to deliver, and hope that these little updates (and sneak peaks!) help keep you entertained while I work on giving you more of what I mean for Painted Relics to be.

As always thank you for being here, reading this long post and being excited about the next step of Painted Relics! I am always so proud of our little community and look forward to the grand things we will build together in the world of Kyvalore.

- Wisp ♥

Get Involved!


If you're not part of our discord community, you're missing out!

We have a discord community where we can hangout and chat, talk about our characters, stream (sometimes with sneak peaks!), host extra activities and lots more!

Join our discord!

Or check us out on Toyhouse!

Painted Relics Toyhouse World



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