Submission (#1133) Approved

8 November 2022, 20:05:15 PST (2 years ago)
8 November 2022, 22:36:21 PST (2 years ago) by SeaCrest
"Quite impressive if I do say so myself." The deep soothing voice of the tall voxibell came forth with a thermos hovering above his head, a sigil wrapped around the base as the copy hovered over his own face. He gave a grin, tall ears flicking slightly as he walked. There was the usual little ringing of voxibell claws, however they were accompanied by a soft clacking. Raising the metallic paw he moved the thermos closer with a gentle smile. "Here you are, darling~ I hope this keeps you warm with the chill we have been having lately." He bows his head, gazing over at Titari with a smile. "It's quite smart to hold a game like this. Trade can be quite difficult sometimes, especially having to travel for it. But this way it seems that they all come to you." A soft chuckle escapes his throat before he backs up slightly. "You may keep the thermos as well, it's quite handy for holding both drinks and soups. Keeping thing's warm is crucial after all." He bows his head, engaging in light conversation as he let the delgu enjoy the apple cider.
Reward Amount
Mana Potion 1

These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Warm Apple Cider Warm Apple Cider Received rewards from Apple Cider Recipe recipe N/A 1