Submission (#1240) Approved

7 January 2023, 00:34:04 PST (1 year ago)
8 January 2023, 21:01:41 PST (1 year ago) by SeaCrest
A hooded figure approached the crowd of people around the large Delgu. The figure looked up towards the beast and hesitated with a bit of a smile.
While he was afraid of the large beast, Arwen knew the beast earned its' fear from others. Much like he had as well.
Arwen slowly made his way through the crowd and stopped in front of Titari and Princess. Arwen breathed in as the Voxibell turned to face him, suddenly breathless, Arwen thought about running away before he remembered what he was there for.
"My apologies if I'm intruding." Arwen said, moving to place a small bottle of warm apple cider in front of Titari and Princess. "I was told that the both of you might enjoy this." Arwen's eyes moved to watch the large Delgu carefully. "She's gorgeous. I hope she's not too rowdy." He said, he lingered for a bit before he looked to Titari and bowed his head. "Thank you for humouring me with seeing this gorgeous beast." He turned and skittered away quickly, disappearing quickly into the crowd.
Reward Amount
Purple Flower 2
Green Flower 1

These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Warm Apple Cider Warm Apple Cider Received rewards from Apple Cider Recipe recipe N/A 1