Submission (#1325) Approved

4 February 2023, 19:44:02 PST (1 year ago)
4 February 2023, 22:33:01 PST (1 year ago) by Lawlie
Aiko gets home from an adventure at sea, and comes home to warmth and love from his Husband Kurai <3
Yes this is fluff.
Yes this is fantastic.
Yes I did write 1722 words of fluff.
Sue me.
Criteria Rewards

Writing - 72 Shards

Word Count: 1722
Personal Characters: 1
Unofficial NPC: 1
Pets: 4
Another Players Characters: 1
Official NPC: 0
Monthly Featured Character: Off
Intricate Setting: On
Thumbnail for Voxi-064: Aiko

Voxi-064: Aiko

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for Voxi-098: Kurai

Voxi-098: Kurai

No rewards set.


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Mushroom Soup Mushroom Soup Received rewards from Mushroom Soup recipe N/A 2