Submission (#2437) Approved

6 February 2024, 10:55:43 PST (11 months ago)
13 February 2024, 22:48:02 PST (11 months ago) by Lawlie
Rhys is studying light magic! In the story, he teams up with Arwen, Rhea, and Swoop to quell the werebeast (Wynn) running rampent in the Lanris Grove. Arwen manages to subdue the beast, but gets injured. Rhys alerts Swoop and Rhea using a magical light firework, but unfortunately runs out of mana to heal his friend. Swoop steps in and heals him, and the group heads back to town!

Magical Beginnings -
Bonding with Light -

The true word count is 2162, but I'm only redeeming for 2000 c:

Voxi-094 is the focus character!
Criteria Rewards

Writing - 78 Shards

Word Count: 2000
Personal Characters: 1
Unofficial NPC: 0
Pets: 0
Another Players Characters: 2
Official NPC: 2
Monthly Featured Character: Off
Intricate Setting: Off
Reward Amount
Sundrop Berry 1
Shards 5
Thumbnail for NPC-001: Rhea

NPC-001: Rhea

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for NPC-003: Modeous

NPC-003: Modeous

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for Avilli-058: Swoop

Avilli-058: Swoop

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for Avilli-092: Arwen

Avilli-092: Arwen

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for Voxi-094: Rhys

Voxi-094: Rhys

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for Voxi-132: Wynn

Voxi-132: Wynn

No rewards set.