Colorful Spring Updates & Activities

Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by SeaCrest


Additional hints have been added to the Egg Hunt! Check your Egg Hunt page to see new hints from eggs you have already found.

Its somehow already April update time!

Wild how much time flies and how much can go on behind the scenes without realizing I havent posted about much!
I've got some information to share regarding whats been going on behind the scenes as well as some small spring fun for you this month while you wait for the big updates coming back this summer!

Changes & Updates

With that, lets dig into the updates first!



Avilli Guide basics is done with the exception of the mana section!
I'm working on a visual to help illustrate how avilli use mana, but the rest of the guide, as well as a free to use base for the game have been added on site.

We've made progress overhauling some of the BIG forms on the site, one of the hard ones being the terms of service and code of conduct. This will help us so much with being able to lay ground rules for expectations between us, and you! Its unfortunately a very meaty task, so has taken most of our guideworking time, but dont fret we've got eyes on the FAQ and other guides on the site as well!



Being one of the important parts of the game, I'm excited to show off these updates! I've almost completed all of the new images for voxibells, which means you'll slowly be seeing the traits swapping to the new images.

I'll be slowly adding these in as I go through and format, and make sure all of them are reading clearly.
You can follow along by keeping an eye on this page:

Voxibell Visual Trait Guide

Once the voxibell traits are done I'll be diving into the avilli traits and getting them loaded in!

Some of the traits rarities, descriptions, and specifications are subject to change as I work on balancing more traits into the system.
If you have a character with a trait that is getting downgraded in rarity, you will receive a potion of that rarity in compensation, if the trait goes up in rarity, you will be automatically upgraded to the rarer trait!

Some Traits that have undergone changes:

Ringed Pupils moved from Mythic to Uncommon
- Felt more fitting for the trait and wanted another uncommon eye trait to make fun eye traits more accessible!

Prong Horns have been split into two traits! Prong (uncommon) and Heart (common)
-It addresses a need for a longer prong horn without requiring an uncommon trait for those that want just a little heart or bean shaped horn.

Swordpoint Horns have been removed
-It was an unused trait that I felt could be better utilized with other traits.

Spade has been moved from Rare to Uncommon
- Since swordpoint was removed it helps fill out the uncommon traits.

But what about some new traits?

Sickle Horns 


Ibex Horns

Ibex Horns

Two new rare horn traits have been added for voxibells!

As for the individual trait listings, they now list the alternate types in a clearer display, as well as show you some of the characters with that trait, or let you know if no characters on the masterlist that have it yet. Neat!

Item Display

Item display on the encyclopedia is undergoing some changes! We're working on making each item much more informative on what the item does, what event it comes from if it comes from one, and what recipes it can be used in!
Some items still have yet to be updated with correct information, but all items list their recipes, so no need to go hunting to see what recipes it can be used in! Looks like we'll need some new recipes soon to test it some more...

Additional Updates
  • You may have noticed minor updates on the site itself! A lot of the text style has changes, more areas have been fixed with their mobile formatting, the front page style is slowly getting changed up, If you notice another spot on tension on mobile or otherwise, please send in a bug ticket onsite! These are the easiest way for me to track what needs to be done!

  • While working on building things in the site, I've also been working away on things outside of the main site as well! Im excited to show off the new world page that gives a good amount of information for old and new players at a glance. 

    Painted Relics Toyhouse World

    Looking forward to seeing everyone's characters joining on the world there!


More Coming Soon



Shards from Sudoku + More

I want to make sure this is more seen so it gets its own little section!

Some players are still missing shards from discontinued event currency payouts as well as from some of the sudokus not granting shards when they should have. Dont fret though, I promise they are still coming!

I was going through and manually processing these one by one but its.. a lot to go through so I've switched to coding something that will let me backgrant these things in a much more streamlined and automatic manner! Hang tight while I get that sorted out cause as soon as I do, everyone will get their missed shards plus a little extra for the hassle!


Scouting for springtide

Springtide is a lovely time to celebrate with friends and family the fall of winter and the life that blooms when the snow melts, and while this year is a calmer year then usual for springtime celebrations. A late flower still blooms in the end right?
The springtide festival may not offer much extra this year, but the shop is still open for the month of April!

Springtide Festival

And while this is a smaller year for the festival, we still simply can't have a year without an egg hunt!


The springtide egg hunt is now live!

Eggs are hidden around the site until the 10th of May!
As always please refrain from sharing and posting about locations to give others a chance to find their own set of eggs! More hints and staff help will be provided after the 25th of April.

Good luck hunting!

Monthly Raffle


The winner of the winter event raffle is CloverEtoile !
Your prize has been sent!

And for the month of April, you can win a spring pet of your choice!


Hop on over the raffle quest to see the details!


Planning Ahead

To remain as transparent as possible it's been slower then I originally intended for updates behind the scenes, but a lot of the team has been pretty busy! I've currently projected to be finished with all of my fixes, updates, and otherwise to be done for July to be the official relaunch of events and more in Painted Relics.

I'm hoping that these few slow months on events and other things will be worth it in the end while I prep content, fix the site to be easier for a small staff to use, and realize Painted Relics as it was intended to be.

May and June will be a similar tune to this month's update, but I promise for all the waiting you're doing for this little game of mine. I'm looking forward to making it worth it! As it gets closer to my July prediction I'll be sure to update you on the status of that if it needs to be any later then July, but I'm hoping that July should be the month and when we reopen with events there will be BIG things!

As always thanks for sticking with me through this journey, watching this game change and adapt to what it needs to be, and as always for your love and support for the wonderful world of Kyvalore.

- Wisp ♥

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