
Perynx Fellkei

Perynx Fellkei (Fellkei)

Commonly found at the docks of Ardglass waiting for fresh catches to be caught to be dropped and easily stolen.

Origin: Ardglass Foraging Bag, Fellkei Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia

Saigaur Fellkei

Saigaur Fellkei (Fellkei)

Sleeping on roofs and sunny spots is this fellkei's favorite past time. They will climb and find areas out of the way to nap, though when spotted, quickly fade into shadow to escape capture.

Origin: Ardglass Foraging Bag, Fellkei Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia

Rougen Fellkei

Rougen Fellkei (Fellkei)

A michevious little fellkei that waits hidden from sight for unlucky passersby to taunt and trip along the streets of the city. A game most enjoyed in massive crowds to create a domino effect.

Origin: Ardglass Foraging Bag, Fellkei Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia

Nycto Fellkei

Nycto Fellkei (Fellkei)

Fellkei's that are most in their element beneath the stars of a bright night sky. It is only at this time that you can see the slight glow of Fellkei shadows dancing in the distant ruins.

Origin: Ardglass Foraging Bag, Fellkei Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia

Peppermint Fellkei

Peppermint Fellkei (Fellkei)

A fellkei decorated in bright striped of white and red! Their smoke gives off a strong aroma of peppermint.

Origin: Winter Pet Box (winter exclusive), Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia

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