
Heartseeker Aierbis

Heartseeker Aierbis (Aierbis)

An aierbis only found in the month of February.

Origin: Pet Shop (February exclusive), Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia

Othelin Aierbis

Othelin Aierbis (Aierbis)

A regal white aierbis, commonly found pruning it's feathers and building extravegent nests. They tend to be the most picky and only take the finest of foods.

Origin: Lanris Foraging Bag, Aierbis Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia

Ethail Aierbis

Ethail Aierbis (Aierbis)

Aierbis that are quick to rise and sing like songbirds. It is truly breathtaking in Lanris in the morning with the sounds of bells, chimes and the songs of aierbis.

Origin: Lanris Foraging Bag, Aierbis Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia

Yaven Aierbis

Yaven Aierbis (Aierbis)

Aierbis that strive to only eat the sweetest of fruits. They will fly all the way from Kelldeep to Fayewood for a perfectly ripe sundrop berry.

Origin: Lanris Foraging Bag, Aierbis Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia

Lunae Aierbis

Lunae Aierbis (Aierbis)

Nocturnal aierbis that are preferred for more secretive messages that must travel by night. Due to this, owners of lunae aierbis tend to get bad looks and stares as many assume they use their pet for ill deeds.

Origin: Lanris Foraging Bag, Aierbis Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia


Ayserai (Ayserai)




Rainbow Ayserai

Obtained from Pride Charity Event!

Paledip Bakken

Paledip Bakken (Bakken)

Generally the calmest bakken. This bakken is more commonly found as pets then the others as it has a more easygoing temperment and can be bribed easily with freshly picked veggies and fruits. Unfortunately bakkens tend to not realize their own weight and will fly up and plop on their owners in excitement for something tasty.

Origin: Durmur Foraging BagPet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia

Maplegrove Bakken

Maplegrove Bakken (Bakken)

A bakken found hiding in bushes, trees, and undergrowth of autumn-laid forests. They wait for unsuspecting passerbys to give them a little spook!

Origin: Durmur Foraging BagPet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia


Rainbow Bakken

Obtained from Pride Charity Event!

Ringfall Bakken

Ringfall Bakken (Bakken)

The most michevious of bakken tends to be the ringfall. These pesky little critters flutter into households when owners arent looking and quickly thief anything sweet. Its not uncommon to have someone always watching the pies and sweets on harvest festival nights to make sure bakken dont sneak in and take them all!

Origin: Durmur Foraging BagPet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia

Mossdew Bakken

Mossdew Bakken (Bakken)

Mossdew bakken that sleep with tails curled around itself and wings tucked in neatly look almost like a fluffy bush. They tend to chitter or purr when you get too close as a warning for disturbing a good nap. As unthreatening as it's chitter or purr may sound, a bakkens got quite a strong bite!

Origin: Durmur Foraging BagPet Shop (rotating stock)

Art By: @Wisparia

Nikpe Bokiri

Nikpe Bokiri (Bokiri)


Rainbow Bokiri

Obtained from Pride Charity Event!

148 results found.