

Moth (Avilli Subtype)

Visual Trait Index

Moth aviili are avilli that just appeared one day on Lynorre!

Residents of the city noticed something strange was growing in the highest branches of the Life Tree, and upon further investigation, they were cocoons! No one is quite sure what caused the moth avilli to show up, but many theorize it's due to the cooling weather and the beginning of Autumn.

One of the most unique things about moth avilli is their ability to produce moth silk! Due to this innate talent, and the nimble fingers that some moth avilli possess, many take a career in tailoring, weaving, or other garment making profession.
In other less common cases, some moth avilli use their silk to build large cocoon like homes in the trees of the forests across the world.

Moth avilli are generally on the smaller side of the standard avilli size, commonly are pixie size, and very rarely have an imp bodytype.

While an avilli only needs to have one(1) of the moth traits from a Moth Nectar potion to be considered under the moth subtype, most Moth avilli have at least two of the traits.


Wyvern (Voxibell Subtype)

Visual Trait Index

In the most north eastern part of Kyvalore, floats an island above the sea where vines, foliage and waterfalls cascade of the edges. An island thick with lush giant vegetation and at it's heart, a stronghold of a town called Runaryl where the wyvern voxibells have hidden themselves away for most of the new age of Kyvalore. Only recently was contact made between the wyvern voxibells and the rest of Kyvalore due to their fear of an ancient sickness that once plagued the land rising up again. After the course of time they have deemed it safe enough to begin venturing from their homeland to be a part of the greater Kyvalore.

Strangely enough, wyvern voxibells are only naturally born from the manapool lake in Runaryl. This lake works similarly to the life crystal in Lanris, but on a much smaller scale, perfectly befitting the self sustaining city that became of the isolated floating city. Wyvern traits (and the subtype) however can be shared with a bit of ancient magic found in a wyvern potion!

While wyvern voxibells are usually larger and can be much more intimidating then even a standard dire voxibell, they have been overall accepted into the greater society with only a few superstitious kyvalorians believing that the wyvern voxibells might bring with them their own form of ancient unwantings.

As voxibells do not normally have wings, wyvern voxibells are most notably recognized by the wings that most of them possess, however not all wyvern voxibells have these wings as you only need one wyvern trait on a voxibell to be considered wyvern.

The traits associated with the wyvern subtype are:

Forked Tongue
Harpy Wings
Double Fang
Wyvern Whiskers
Sprite Wings
Dragon Wings
Forked Tongue
Crowned Manabone
Raptor Claws


Aquarian (Avilli Subtype)

With Kyvalore’s age and relics at every turn it’s not surprising that items of power were found among the rubble in the ocean. Trinkets of value occasionally washed upon the shore, but most found beneath the waters among ancient rubble or guarded by leering pukara and other monsters at sea.
By combining these ocean-born trinkets, an old relic called a Sea Keeper’s Pearl can be crafted. This relic when connected with strong mana from a kyvalorian can be absorbed allowing that user to take on aquarian traits!

Aquarian Kyvalorians take on traits such and gills, fins, and other aquatic like attributes from attuning to a sea keepers pearl. Along with traits that alter their daily life, they gain a small transformation ability! This allows them to hide their back legs for better swimming and propulsion in the water.
These kyvalorians, while rare, can be found most commonly in Reim or Ardglass in hybrid homes that touch both the land and the sea, though some do prefer other cities across Kyvalore. The voxibells and avilli who manage to craft such a pearl are often judged for their decisions, both in positive or negative terms dependent on the surrounding community.
Some kyvalorians see them as mixing with old magic, and therefore risking the health of Kyvalore itself. Even viewing the sea keepers pearls as bad luck. Others view the aquarian traits with awe as it is truly a link to an ancient past and possibly finding more about what lurks beneath the surface of the waves.

Traits associated with the aquarian subtype are:

Aquarian Tail
Finned Plume
Finned Ears
Fin Wings
Dorsal Fins


Aquarian (Voxibell Subtype)

With Kyvalore’s age and relics at every turn it’s not surprising that items of power were found among the rubble in the ocean. Trinkets of value occasionally washed upon the shore, but most found beneath the waters among ancient rubble or guarded by leering pukara and other monsters at sea.
By combining these ocean-born trinkets, an old relic called a Sea Keeper’s Pearl can be crafted. This relic when connected with strong mana from a kyvalorian can be absorbed allowing that user to take on aquarian traits!
Aquarian Kyvalorians take on traits such and gills, fins, and other aquatic like attributes from attuning to a sea keepers pearl. Along with traits that alter their daily life, they gain a small transformation ability! This allows them to hide their back legs for better swimming and propulsion in the water.voxi%20aquarian%20partial.png
These kyvalorians, while rare, can be found most commonly in Reim or Ardglass in hybrid homes that touch both the land and the sea, though some do prefer other cities across Kyvalore. The voxibells and avilli who manage to craft such a pearl are often judged for their decisions, both in positive or negative terms dependent on the surrounding community.
Some kyvalorians see them as mixing with old magic, and therefore risking the health of Kyvalore itself. Even viewing the sea keepers pearls as bad luck. Others view the aquarian traits with awe as it is truly a link to an ancient past and possibly finding more about what lurks beneath the surface of the waves.

Traits associated with the aquarian subtype are:

Aquarian Tail
Finned Ears
Dorsal Fins
Webbed Feet
Finned Manabone

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