
Duster Tail

Duster Tail (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

A short length tail that starts small and widens at the end with fur.

Characters with Duster Tail (Common)
Fan Tail

Fan Tail (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

A mid length tail that always has a fan of fluffy drooping fur along the bottom.

Characters with Fan Tail (Common)
Wolf Tail

Wolf Tail (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

A short to mid length furry tail that starts small, widens, then quickly tapers at the end.

Characters with Wolf Tail (Common)
Doe Tail

Doe Tail (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

A small tapering puff of a tail! Usually points up like a deer, but can droop like a corgi's tail as well.

Characters with Doe Tail (Common)
Prehensile Tail

Prehensile Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

A thick tail that can vary in length. It always starts very thick near the base, and thins evenly towards the end. It can have a range of very short fine fur to medium length fur.

Origin: Rare Tail Potion

Characters with Prehensile Tail (Rare)
Kitty Tail

Kitty Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

A long tail with an even width to the end. Even length of fur throughout and can have a range of very short fine fur, to medium length fur.

Origin: Rare Tail Potion

Characters with Kitty Tail (Rare)
Tufted Tail

Tufted Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

A long tail that slowly tapers as it nears the end with a tuft of fur at the very end. The tuft at the end can vary in both size and length.

Origin: Rare Tail Potion

Characters with Tufted Tail (Rare)
Kitsune Tail

Kitsune Tail (Mythic)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

Allows for up to nine tails. Also works as a modifier for any other tail type to have multi tails! Voxibells can use magic to merge to one tail when needed.

Origin: Mythic Potion

Characters with Kitsune Tail (Mythic)
Mace Tail

Mace Tail (Mythic)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

Mace tip can be any shape or size and is composed of manacore. Primarily used a brute weapon, and powerful voxibells can imbue strong properties of magic into it such as poision, or fire. When used in this manner, it can be incredibly deadly to the right foe. Can be combined with other tails as a modifier.

Origin: Mythic Potion

Characters with Mace Tail (Mythic)
Cascade Tail

Cascade Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

A limitless length fox tail! Truly a marvel to see.

To make a limitless length of another tail type it must be combined with that tail trait.

Origin: Rare Potion

Characters with Cascade Tail (Rare)
Twine Tail

Twine Tail (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Avilli

The twine tail is the most common tail for avilli by far. It is a long, tapering tail covered in a short downy like fur.

Characters with Twine Tail (Common)
Lavish Tail

Lavish Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Avilli

A very long prehensile tail. This tail easily drags the ground and has a light downy like fur.

Origin: Uncommon Tail Potion

Characters with Lavish Tail (Uncommon)
Waterfall Tail

Waterfall Tail (Mythic)

Category: Tail
Species: Avilli
This tail is a cascade of feathers or fur. It has no bone structure to it like other avilli tails and truly dances in an avilli's flight.
Characters with Waterfall Tail (Mythic)
Paintbrush Tail

Paintbrush Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

The small version of the tufted tail. This tail can be no longer than the length of the voxibell's torso. It tapers as it goes down the length and ends in a tuft that can vary in both size and fur length.

Origin: Uncommon Tail Potion

Characters with Paintbrush Tail (Uncommon)
Tailless (Voxibell)

Tailless (Voxibell) (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

Sometimes voxies can be born without a tail!

Origin: Uncommon Tail Potion

Characters with Tailless (Voxibell) (Uncommon)
Puff Tail

Puff Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

A round, fluffy tail that can range from very small to about half of the length of the voxie's torso.

Origin: Uncommon Tail Potion

Characters with Puff Tail (Uncommon)
Fox Tail

Fox Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

A tail that starts small, gets thick with fur around the middle, then tapers off again. This tail is always fluffy and can be long enough to touch the ground when the voxibell is standing.

Origin: Uncommon Tail Potion

Characters with Fox Tail (Uncommon)
Twin Tails

Twin Tails (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Voxibell

A trait that allows two tails! The standard for this trait is fox tails, but you can combo this with another trait to have twin tails of other tail types.

Origin: Rare Tail Potion

Characters with Twin Tails (Rare)
Aquarian Tail

Aquarian Tail (Aquarian)

Category: Tail

The spotlight of the aquarian subtype, the tail!
This tail can come in many shapes and sizes for both avilli and voxibells.

This trait also allows the weilder to transform into a more aquatic form, losing their backlegs for more agile natural movement in the water. Neat!

Regal Aquarian Tail
Goldfish Tail
Sea Ribbon Tail
Selkie Tail

Characters with Aquarian Tail (Aquarian)
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