
Twine Tail

Twine Tail (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Avilli

The twine tail is the most common tail for avilli by far. It is a long, tapering tail covered in a short downy like fur.

Characters with Twine Tail (Common)
Lavish Tail

Lavish Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Avilli

A very long prehensile tail. This tail easily drags the ground and has a light downy like fur.

Origin: Uncommon Tail Potion

Characters with Lavish Tail (Uncommon)
Waterfall Tail

Waterfall Tail (Mythic)

Category: Tail
Species: Avilli
This tail is a cascade of feathers or fur. It has no bone structure to it like other avilli tails and truly dances in an avilli's flight.
Characters with Waterfall Tail (Mythic)
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