Carnation Florennec (Florennec)
A florennec from the bright pink and redish hued flowers. A little storm of petals dance around them as they flutter about their floral home.
Origin: Lynorre Foraging Bag, Florennec Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)
Art By: @Sadbloom
Daisy Florennec (Florennec)
This florennec likes to hang around the cliff edges of Lynorre, pearing out over the world before them, but never having the desire to leave the comfort of the flower field.
Origin: Lynorre Foraging Bag, Florennec Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)
Art By: @Sadbloom
Hydrangea Florennec (Florennec)
Sticking to the taller flowers and bushes, you'll commonly see this little florennec peaking out from bushes and playing hide and seek with others.
Origin: Lynorre Foraging Bag, Florennec Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)
Art By: @Wisparia
Florennec (Florennec)
Despite their bright color, this florennec likes to watch passersby intently and sometimes follow closely fluttering from one hiding spot to another. Perhaps they are hoping for someone to drop something tasty.
Origin: Lynorre Foraging Bag, Florennec Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)
Art By: @Sadbloom
Violet Florennec (Florennec)
Napping is a precious ritual to this florennec. Commonly found napping in beautifully shaded spots at all hours of the day, they are quick to anger if this time is disturbed.
Origin: Lynorre Foraging Bag, Florennec Egg, Strange Egg, Pet Shop (rotating stock)
Art By: @Sadbloom
Clover Florennec (Florennec)
A small florennec who is not only a friend, but a good luck charm as well.
Origin: Spring Egg (spring exclusive), Pet Shop (rotating stock)
Art By: @Wisparia
Winterwing Florennec (Florennec)
A beautiful florennec that loves everything about winter and snow. It loves prancing in freshly fallen snow and leaving footprints and trails that make beautifully swirled designs that it can look at from flying above. Be wary though, ruining one of these florennec's designs can easily result in being bit!